Thursday, February 3, 2011

Norway says "Hire the Blind"

The Norwegian Association for the Blind has a message for businesses and its employers, "Hire blind people." As part of its new and odd PSA campaign, the NAB is urging employers to hire blind people, because as they put it, "blind people are awesome to work with. You can behave badly at work—like fooling around with a colleague right in front of them—and they don't even realize it." Check out these two spots from this odd PSA campaign, below.

NOTE: This PSA campaign was created by Try ad agency in Oslo, Norway.

While the NAB is an important cause, the message that they are delivering in these two spots, is absolutely hilarious. Only in Europe can you advertise a message like "Hire blind people, so you can do whatever you want in front of them, and they don't even realize it." I have a feeling a PSA campaign like this would never fly in the United States. Just a guess!

Thanks goes out to for posting this story, so that it could be brought to my attention.

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