Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Get Loonie with McDonald's "Dollar Drink Days"

In case you missed it! There was an interesting and creative idea concocted recently by a Canadian ad agency to help promote McDonald's "Dollar Drink Days" in Canada. Cossette Vancouver's recent Canadian promotion for McDonald's "Dollar Drink Days" featured 4,000 dollar coins arranged in the shape of the Golden Arches, embedded in a block of ice at a beach party in Sylvan Lake, Alberta. Party goers were encouraged to chip away at the ice to free the coins. This "Dollar Drink Days" beach party promotion also included a DJ, street promotional teams, hula hooping, limbo contests and giveaways. Check out the YouTube video below, to see a time lapse of the promotion from start to finish. In case you were wondering, it took just five hours for all the coins to be retrieved.

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